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Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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Detective Benjamin Garcia’s Marathon Journey Nears McAllen Amidst Danger and Determination

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Detective Ben Garcia, sitting by the side of a busy highway, gives an exclusive interview to Zero Productions with the hum of big traffic in the background. Screen photo
Detective Ben Garcia, sitting by the side of a busy highway, gives an exclusive interview to Zero Productions with the hum of big traffic in the background. Screen photo
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By Roberto Hugo González

As Detective Benjamin Garcia’s remarkable 800-mile run from Amarillo to McAllen, Texas, nears its conclusion, his journey has captivated supporters and communities across the state. On his mission to honor the South Texas Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), Garcia has faced immense physical and mental challenges while drawing attention to a cause that resonates deeply with him.

During his journey, Detective Benjamin Garcia is approached by media reporters. Surrounded by cameras and microphones. Courtesy photo

Many have joined Garcia during his journey, but one particular moment stands out—a daring interview conducted on the highway by Zero Productions as Garcia pressed forward, approaching McAllen. The interview was likely one of the most dangerous parts of his marathon trek, with vehicles whizzing by as Garcia continued his run-down Route 16. Despite the risks, the interview offers a glimpse into the sheer determination and resilience driving him forward.

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Garcia, a seasoned marathon runner with several ultra-distance races under his belt, set off on this ambitious run with a goal: to cover 800 miles to support families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty. The South Texas Chapter of C.O.P.S. is a cause that holds personal significance for the San Antonio-based detective, and his run is a testament to the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers and their families.

A detailed map of Texas highlights key locations, with San Antonio marked in the central region. The smaller towns of Tilden and Freer are pinpointed in the southern area of the state, leading to the culmination point of McAllen, situated near the U.S.-Mexico border in the Rio Grande Valley. Photo Google Maps

When Garcia officially began his journey, 800 miles from Amarillo to McAllen seemed like an impossible feat. However, as of last night, Garcia reached Tilden, Texas, marking a significant milestone in his journey. His final destination is the McAllen Police Department Memorial on Bicentennial Boulevard, where he is expected to arrive on October 16, 2024.

Detective Benjamin Garcia sits alone in the middle of nowhere, preparing for a modest lunch. In front of him is a simple plate with just a tiny portion of meat, reflecting the rough conditions of his journey. The barren landscape around him emphasizes the isolation as he refuels briefly before continuing his trip to McAllen, Texas. Courtesy photo.

Along the way, Garcia is averaging 40 miles a day, pushing his body to its limits as he endures the sweltering heat and rugged terrain of South Texas. Despite these challenges, he continues to press on, propelled by the support of his colleagues, law enforcement officers, and communities who have joined him along the route.

McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos spoke to Texas Border Business by phone and expressed his full support for Detective Garcia’s run. The city is preparing to welcome him with open arms upon his arrival. “We are deeply honored to welcome Detective Garcia and support his efforts in raising awareness for such an important cause,” Villalobos stated. “The city of McAllen stands behind him.”

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As Garcia’s run continues, Texas Border Business and Zero Productions have been tracking his progress, informing the public of his journey, and encouraging others to support his cause.

Throughout his marathon, Garcia has encountered several close calls. During the highway interview with Zero Productions, the crew chased him down Route 16, navigating alongside trucks and other traffic while Garcia maintained his steady pace. The risk of the interview reflected the dangers Garcia faces daily on the open road, but it also highlighted his unyielding commitment to the cause.

During the interview, Garcia discussed the physical toll the run has taken on him, mentioning that despite the heat—reaching 96 degrees in South Texas—he was holding up well. His shoes of choice, Asics Superblast, have helped him maintain his pace, and he credited his unique “finger socks” for preventing blisters and chafing. “No chafing,” Garcia laughed, acknowledging that his spirits remain high while he’s lost a couple of toenails.

When asked about his overall condition, Garcia responded with remarkable humility, explaining that despite some soreness and discomfort, he was still in good shape and was determined to make it to McAllen. “I’ll be done on October 16th. Just five days and a wake-up,” he added, smiling as he looked ahead to the final leg of his journey.

As Garcia continues his trek, he remains focused on raising awareness and funds for the South Texas Chapter of C.O.P.S. “This run is for the families,” Garcia said. He encourages those following his journey to donate to the cause through the organization’s website. For Garcia, the miles of road are about more than just endurance; they represent a tribute to fallen officers and the loved ones they are left behind. Visit https://www.concernsofpolicesurvivors.org to contribute and help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Despite his physical hardships, Garcia’s run has inspired many across Texas, especially as he nears McAllen, where a warm welcome awaits. The mayor and a delegation from the city will greet him at the McAllen Police Department Memorial, a fitting end to a journey driven by dedication and the desire to honor his fellow officers.

Detective Benjamin Garcia’s marathon journey from Amarillo to McAllen is nothing short of extraordinary. Covering 800 miles, facing sweltering heat, and overcoming physical and mental fatigue, Garcia’s run is a remarkable act of endurance and an inspiring tribute to fallen officers and their families.

As he approaches his final destination, Garcia’s run reminds him of the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers and the strength of the communities they serve. With just a few days to go, McAllen prepares to celebrate the arrival of a true hero whose determination has brought awareness to a cause that should never be forgotten.

For those interested in tracking Detective Garcia’s progress, he is sharing his location in real-time via the “Beacon” app. Supporters can follow along and witness each mile of his inspiring journey toward the finish line in McAllen, Texas.

Here is the link https://www.strava.com/beacon/kAKk7U99Q1e

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