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Debbie Crane Aliseda announces intent to run for McAllen ISD School Board

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Debbie Crane Aliseda

Texas Border Business – 

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McALLEN — Former McAllen ISD Trustee Debbie Crane Aliseda announced Wednesday she intends to run for another term on the seven-member school board during the upcoming May 2017 election.

Crane Aliseda will seek the seat currently held by John Ball, her friend and former colleague on the board, who will not be seeking re-election. Ball has already given Crane Aliseda his public endorsement. “I couldn’t think of someone that I’d rather have step up to Place 3, the spot I currently hold,” Ball said. “It was a pleasure working with her.”

Crane Aliseda’s four years on the M.I.S.D. School Board were marked by many successes, including the distinction of being named “School Board of the Year” in 2012. Right from the outset, Crane Aliseda was respected by her peers for her keen attention to detail and the collaborative spirit she brought into the boardroom. They elected her Board President in 2013. “She brought a different perspective to the board,” Ball said, and she wasn’t afraid to be a “dissenting” voice, referencing her opposition to placing a controversial $297 million bond proposal before voters nearly two years ago. A majority of McAllen voters shared her concerns, and the proposal was defeated by a landslide in May 2015.

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“Working well together doesn’t mean you have to agree all the time,” Crane Aliseda said. “We all had incredible respect for one another, because we knew we all had the same goal in mind: serving the district, serving the people, the students, the teachers, and all the families of M.I.S.D.” It’s been two years since she left the board following the tragic death of her brother, McAllen City Commissioner Scott Crane. Now, Crane Aliseda says, she is eager to get back to the job she excelled at, and she’s excited about working with some new faces, as well as some old friends.

“The new board is full of energy and a willingness to try new things, which I find very encouraging. I think my experience, my collaborative approach and my open-minded attitude will make me a valuable asset to this talented team of young McAllen leaders, should the voters of McAllen give me the opportunity to serve again.”

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