Texas Border Business

McAllen, TX – Richard Cortez, Hidalgo County Judge-Elect will be the guest speaker at the McAllen Citizens League noon luncheon. The Luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, December 13that the McAllen Salvation Center on 23rdstreet & Pecan. “Hidalgo County needs to function and govern itself like a metropolitan area. We have to be effective in providing services at the lowest cost to taxpayers which means we have to eliminate redundant cost and expenses. We are unique yet having 22 cities in the county complicates efficiencies in government.”
“Mr. Cortez will highlight some of the important issues for the County,” said Christopher Julian, President of the McAllen Citizen League.
The meeting is open to the public at no charge with lunch available for $12 for members and $15 for non-members. Membership in the league is only $10 per year. For more information on the League visit our Facebook page or website at www.mcallencitizensleague.org