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Sunday, February 9, 2025
71 F
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Cornyn: RGV Public Housing to Receive $3.2M in COVID-19 Relief Funds

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U.S. Senator John Cornyn

Texas Border Business

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WASHINGTON – Public housing authorities and Section 8 voucher programs in the Rio Grande Valley received several federal grants totaling $3,159,171 to help with coronavirus-related improvements and maintenance to local public housing programs, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn announced today.

The funding comes through the Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of the CARES Act, which was signed into law last month, under the Supplemental Public Housing Operating Funds program, which helps prevent, prepare, and respond to the Coronavirus Pandemic in public housing.

“The coronavirus outbreak has hit Texans hard, and as much as we can protect each other from its effects, we must,” said Sen. Cornyn.  “I’m grateful to the Trump Administration for making public housing in the Rio Grande Valley an important priority during the outbreak.”

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RecipientCityCountySupplemental Public Housing Operating FundsFee Regular and Mainstream Voucher Program
San Benito Housing AuthoritySAN BENITOCAMERON$         96,743.00$          39,440.00
Los Fresnos Housing AuthorityLOS FRESNOSCAMERON$         17,854.00$          11,810.00
Harlingen Housing AuthorityHARLINGENCAMERON$       303,312.00$        102,028.00
Port Isabel Housing AuthorityPORT ISABELCAMERON$         27,178.00$          11,216.00
Housing Authority of the City of BrownsvilleBROWNSVILLECAMERON$       182,583.00$        308,524.00
Cameron County Housing AuthorityBROWNSVILLECAMERON$       164,994.00$        125,086.00
Hidalgo Housing AuthorityHIDALGOHIDALGO $            6,006.00
Weslaco Housing AuthorityWESLACOHIDALGO$         68,039.00$          53,884.00
San Juan Housing AuthoritySAN JUANHIDALGO $          14,910.00
Pharr Housing AuthorityPHARRHIDALGO$       110,069.00$        102,348.00
Mission Housing AuthorityMISSIONHIDALGO$       136,601.00$          89,602.00
Mercedes Housing AuthorityMERCEDESHIDALGO$       110,837.00$          37,412.00
La Joya Housing AuthorityLA JOYAHIDALGO$         27,577.00$          14,962.00
Hidalgo County Housing AuthorityWESLACOHIDALGO$         26,693.00$          89,242.00
Elsa Housing AuthorityELSAHIDALGO$         71,520.00$          15,720.00
Edinburg Housing AuthorityEDINBURGHIDALGO$       234,502.00$        108,174.00
Edcouch Housing AuthorityEDCOUCHHIDALGO$         25,307.00$            5,794.00
Donna Housing AuthorityDONNAHIDALGO$         70,239.00$          33,106.00
Alamo Housing AuthorityALAMOHIDALGO$         18,046.00$          14,176.00
McAllen Housing AuthorityMCALLENHIDALGO$         36,007.00$        154,530.00
Starr County Housing AuthorityRIO GRANDE CITYSTARR$         38,376.00$          17,552.00
Roma Housing AuthorityROMASTARR$         19,164.00$          11,868.00
Willacy County Housing AuthorityRAYMONDVILLEWILLACY $            6,140.00

These grants may be used for resident support services; management and operations, including staff; routine and preventative maintenance; safety and security; energy costs; insurance; debt service incurred to finance unit rehabilitation and development; planning for the long-term capital needs and viability of the properties; and other costs.

Senator John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, is a member of the Senate Finance, Intelligence, and Judiciary Committees.

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