The deadline for the open enrollment period of the health insurance marketplace is Monday, March 31st
Texas Border Business

Mission, Texas – Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) told Texas Border Business today that the deadline to enroll in a health insurance plan in the federal marketplace is less than a week away on Monday, March 31st.
“With the deadline less than a week away, he is encouraging the Rio Grande Valley residents who do not have health insurance to not wait until the last minute to enroll.” He continued to say, “For border communities like those in the Valley, where over 35% of people are uninsured, the benefits of the Affordable Care Act have had a real impact. Spread the word to your family and friends and take advantage of some of the excellent resources and local organizations that provide in person assistance.”
Local health insurance organizations will be available at the McAllen Public Library at 4001 N. 23rd St. on a daily basis to provide in person assistance to consumers and small employers in the Rio Grande Valley.
In February, 90,000 Texans enrolled in a health insurance plan and almost 300,000 have enrolled since October.
Nationally, more than five million Americans have gained access to health insurance since the beginning of open enrollment. Thanks to the law, insurance companies can no longer deny coverage because of a pre-existing condition, can no longer limit the amount of care you get or charge women more. The law also allows young adults up to the age of 26 to remain covered on their parents’ plans.
To apply, you may use one of the following methods. When applying, make sure to bring your Social Security Number, employer and income information for every member of your household that needs coverage, and policy number for any current health insurance plan.
- Visit or which is available 24/7.
- By phone
- Call the Toll-Free Consumer Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 which is open 24/7.
In person
- Go to and put in your zip code to find the Navigators and certified enrollment counselors in your area. You may also go to any Community Health Center in your area to obtain assistance in applying for coverage.
By mail
You may download a paper application form along with the instructions from After receiving an eligibility notice, you may finish the application online or by contacting the call center.