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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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Claudia Sheinbaum Takes Office Amid Uncertainty

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Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s first female president. Photo Courtesy Mexican Government
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Claudia Sheinbaum has officially taken office as Mexico’s first female president, but her leadership begins with as many uncertainties as there are expectations. According to Balance of Power, Sheinbaum’s presidency follows her landslide victory in June, but the shadow of her predecessor, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), looms large over her administration.

AMLO, during his final months, pushed through a series of controversial constitutional reforms that reshaped Mexico’s political landscape. Sheinbaum remained loyal to him, refraining from making bold statements to calm the markets or address concerns from business leaders and the military. As Balance of Power notes, many eagerly await her inauguration speech to see if she will finally break from the official stance and offer clarity on her policy direction.

Sheinbaum faces a delicate balancing act. She is unable—or perhaps unwilling—to distance herself from AMLO’s more controversial policies but shows hints of a more market-friendly administration with her cabinet choices. Balance of Power indicates that her presidency could accelerate the country’s transition to clean energy, a critical step for this oil-producing nation.

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However, the challenges she faces are vast. One of the most pressing is the security crisis left behind by AMLO’s administration, which Balance of Power highlights as the bloodiest on record, with nearly 200,000 homicides during his presidency. The rampant influence of criminal cartels and the high levels of violence will be a defining issue for Sheinbaum’s term, as many Mexicans hope she will take bold steps to restore order.

Business leaders also hope for solid signals from Sheinbaum regarding foreign investment, particularly in addressing critical issues like water, security, and power in the country’s northern regions. She must balance these economic demands with the expectations of those loyal to AMLO’s policies while also charting her course in this new era of leadership. As Sheinbaum begins her tenure, Mexicans expect her to assert her leadership and demonstrate that it is now her time. Whether or not AMLO will allow her the space to do so remains a critical question, as Balance of Power rightly points out: “Only time will tell if the former president will grant it to her.”

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