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Friday, March 14, 2025
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City of Mission reinforces support for firefighter

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City will request to go before TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool board

Texas Border Business

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Mission, TX- The Mission City Council held a special meeting Feb. 6, 2019 to discuss a lawsuit filed by the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP) against firefighter Homer Salinas.

Although the lawsuit states, “City of Mission, Self-Insurer vs. Homer Salinas,” the city was not made aware of TMLIRP’s intentions beforehand to file the case on behalf of the City of Mission. The appeal case is requesting a judicial review of the final decision of the Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation. It does not seek repayment of any benefits firefighter Salinas has already received.

After meeting in executive session, the Mission City Council released the following statement, “We as a City are not in favor of this appeal. Against a provision in our interlocal with TMLIRP, we did not receive notice of this action, for if we had, we would not have been in support of the appeal. Without addressing the merits of this case, the City will request to go before the TMLIRP board and argue its position in hopes of putting an end to this matter without denying Mr. Homer Salinas any benefits.”

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Last month, the Division of Workers’ Compensation reaffirmed its support of firefighter Salinas in his pursuit to receive insurance coverage for his cancer treatment, after an appeals panel sided with him over the city’s insurance carrier who denied him worker’s compensation. After the judgment, TMLIRP was instructed to pay Salinas his full benefits.

The motion to object and request to go before the TMLIRP board passed unanimously.

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