Texas Border Business
LAREDO, Texas – City of Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz joined State of Tamaulipas Governor, Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, and U.S. Congressman for Texas’ 28th Congressional District, Henry Cuellar, to sign a letter of commitment and financial support regarding the World Trade Bridge expansion project. A press conference was held on Monday, April 25, where dignitaries shared more details on the project and signed a memorandum.
The signing of the memorandum was a preliminary step for all parties to mutually agree in working together to provide needed documentation or plans for the issuance of permits and/or approval documents, seek funding for planning and construction on both sides of the border, and to showcase full commitment on the completion of this project. The next step involves submitting an application for a U.S. Presidential Permit, with an objective of having it issued on October 2022. Other permits are required from the Coast Guard, International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), and Army Corps of Engineers. The project has an estimated completion date on May 2026. As a token of appreciation for his support, Mayor Pete Saenz presented the Key to the City to Governor García Cabeza de Vaca.
“These are truly exciting times for Port Laredo and our city as we move forward in securing a Presidential Bridge permit for the expansion of the World Trade Bridge as called for by our International Bridge Master Plan. It is indeed becoming a reality, especially after obtaining Governor García Cabeza de Vaca’s financial commitment for construction on the Mexican side,” states Mayor Pete Saenz. “It’s a top-priority project, which once the planned added infrastructure is in place, it will ease congestion, expedite crossing times for commercial travelers, and significantly improve our competitive edge for the mutual benefit of our binational regional economies. I cannot thank the governor enough for his endless support in this endeavor.”