Texas Border Business
LAREDO, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Field Operations officers at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge this weekend uncovered an alleged smuggling attempt including one baby with a U.S. birth certificate that did not belong to him and four other individuals hidden in a vehicle.
“Our CBP officers utilized their inspection experience, training and uncovered an attempt to smuggle five individuals in a single enforcement action,” said Port Director Albert Flores, Laredo Port of Entry. “This apprehension illustrates CBP’s resolute commitment to upholding and enforcing U.S. immigration law.”
On Saturday, May 4, 2024, CBP officers assigned to Juarez-Lincoln Bridge encountered a 27-year-old female U.S. citizen driving a 2007 GMC Yukon who presented U.S. birth certificates for three minor children and referred them for a secondary inspection. During the examination, CBP officers discovered that one of the birth certificates did not belong to a nine-month-old male infant passenger, who upon further examination was discovered to be a Mexican citizen. In addition, further examination revealed four other Mexican citizens, ages 34, 30, 28 and eight, hidden in the cargo area of the vehicle who did not possess any valid entry documents.
CBP officers arrested the vehicle driver for alleged violation of U.S. immigration law and seized the vehicle.