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Thursday, October 24, 2024
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Calling on Texas Legislature to Carry Education Freedom Across The Finish Line

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Governor Greg Abbott last night called on members of the Texas Legislature to expand education freedom for all Texas students and get school choice across the finish line at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) 2023 Parent Empowerment Leadership Summit dinner in Austin. Photo: Office of the Governor

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AUSTIN, Texas – Governor Greg Abbott last night called on members of the Texas Legislature to expand education freedom for all Texas students and get school choice across the finish line at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) 2023 Parent Empowerment Leadership Summit dinner in Austin.

Givernor Abbott Speaking on Eduction Freedom. Photo: Office of the Governor

“As we traveled the state of Texas—helping educators, legislators, and Texans understand what we were doing about school choice—we began on the 20 yard line,” said Governor Abbott. “With each passing day, we made yard after yard, first down after first down. We as a state have an obligation to our kids—to get them educated—and we can do that with a universal Education Savings Account program in the state of Texas. What we are doing is running a relay race that began in 1989. The baton has now been handed off to me, and it is my job to carry it to the finish line. I am committed to however long it takes, and I will not stop until we get school choice passed in the state of Texas.”

Photo: Office of the Governor

Speaking to a crowd of over 150 legislators, parents, educators, and parent empowerment advocates, the Governor called on lawmakers to pass legislation that will empower parents to be the primary decisionmakers in their child’s education. The Governor also highlighted the need to expand state-funded Education Savings Accounts to every Texas student, noting that a majority of rural, urban, and suburban Texans are in favor of expanding parental rights in their child’s education. Additionally, the Governor encouraged all Texans to contact their legislators to voice their support for parent empowerment and expanding education freedom across Texas.

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The Governor was joined by TPPF CEO Greg Sindelar, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, and America First Policy Institute President and CEO Brooke Rollins. 

Hosted by TPPF, the 2023 Parent Empowerment Summit brings together policymakers, elected officials, and other parent empowerment advocates to discuss the pathway for expanded parental rights in education in Texas.

In September, Governor Abbott also called on Texans to participate in School Choice Sunday and voice their support for parent empowerment this Sunday, October 15.

Governor Abbott enjoying he evening. Photo: Office of the Governor

In his 2023 State of the State address, Governor Abbott announced education freedom for all Texans as an emergency item for the 88th Legislative Session. Read the Governor’s education freedom for all Texans emergency item.

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