Texas Border Business
As originally published by Texas Border Business newsprint Edition
McAllen, TX – The City of Brownsville is the newest member of the Rio South Texas Economic Council (RSTEC). Their membership was approved today at RSTEC’s monthly board of directors meeting. “RSTEC is bringing the Rio Grande Valley together when it comes to economic development with cities, chambers of commerce, economic development corporations and workforce boards among others, joining hands across county lines to promote the region for investment and jobs,” said RSTEC’s Executive Director Alma Puente Colleli.
“The City of Brownsville is very excited about working regionally in an effort to leverage our collective resources to create a booming regional economy,” said City Commissioner Deborah Portillo. “Projects such as Metro Connect, the new University of Texas RGV and the Cross Valley Transmission Lines are great examples of regionalism at its best,” said Commissioner Portillo. “Joining RSTEC provides us with more opportunities to collaborate across the region and position ourselves as the gateway to the Americas.”
Over the last month The Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation and the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce also joined RSTEC. “The Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) is proud to join the Rio South Texas Economic Council’s efforts to promote our region’s economic strength and viability. In today’s increasingly competitive race for jobs and industry, it is increasingly important that all Valley cities work together to ensure that our region’s strategic advantages aren’t lost in the shuffle,” said Rachel Flores BCIC’s Executive Director.
Rachel Flores was elected as RSTEC’s Treasurer at the Annual Meeting in January where Eduardo Campirano, Port Director and CEO with the Port of Brownsville led his first meeting as the new Chairman of RSTEC. As the new Chairman of the organization he wants to continue working with both new and current members to promote the Rio Grande Valley to attract investment and promote job growth.
“RSTEC has made significant inroads since its formation in 2008 in being recognized as the premier regional economic development entity and we will collaborate to maintain our status,” said Campirano.
“The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce is eager to once again be part of the great collaboration of RSTEC,” said Maria Hall Joiner the Chamber President and CEO.
“Renewing our membership to RSTEC continues to strengthen the Chamber’s commitment to focus on the critical priorities in our community,” she said.
“Brownsville and the Valley are a mecca for international trade and logistics.”
For more information regarding RSTEC visit www.riosouthtexas.com or call (956)928-0641. TBB