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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Breaking News: China buys 116,000 tons of Texas sorghum, pays a premium price for it

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Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller calls fees ludicrous posturing that may result in opening European market for Texas grain.

Texas Border Business

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 (AUSTIN, TEXAS – April 18, 2018) ­– Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller issued the following statement regarding China’s announcement of duties of almost 179 percent on U.S. sorghum imports:

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller. Photo By Roberto Hugo Gonzalez

“The latest action by China to threaten U.S. and Texas sorghum imports is outrageous. My staff has been in contact with our Texas sorghum producers this morning and I agree with U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue that the claim U.S. sorghum is being ‘dumped’ on the Chinese market is ludicrous. Just last week, China accepted 116,000 tons of Texas sorghum and paid a premium price for it.

This is just another example of what I call ‘smack talk’ between trading partners. They need Texas-grown grain, and we’re happy to sell it to them. However, we will not be held hostage by unfair trade practices or unnecessary posturing. President Trump has set the example that the days of China taking advantage of the U.S. on trade are over.

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“Here at the Texas Department of Agriculture, I see this situation with China as an opportunity.   As a part of my global outreach initiative, we are always working to find new markets for Texas products.  I am confident that a recent trade mission to Spain may result in new shipments of Texas grain into Europe, effectively re-opening this market to Texas producers.”

“So my message to China is that they better not look a gift horse in the mouth. When they’re done talking smack and are once again ready for Texas sorghum, they may find it already gone . . . to Europe.”

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