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Sunday, February 16, 2025
72.3 F
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Border Patrol Division Chief to speak at Citizen League

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Texas Border Business

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McAllen, TX – Acting Division Chief, Hector Escamilla, of the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol, will be the guest speaker at The McAllen Citizen League noon luncheon. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 25 at noon at The Salvation Army Center on 23rdStreet and Pecan in McAllen.

“Mr. Escamilla will give us an update on the current immigration situation on the border,” said Christopher Julian, President of the League. “This topic is of great consequence, so attendance at this meeting should be good,” Julian concluded.  

The meeting is open to the public at no charge with lunch available for $12 for members and $15 for non-members. Membership in the league is only $10 per year. For more information on the League visit our Facebook page or website at www.mcallencitizensleague.org

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