Faith Soto positioned to fulfill her dream in law enforcement
Living along the U.S.-Mexico border as a little girl, Faith Soto would often see U.S. Border Patrol vehicles traveling along Rio Grande Valley highways, and she would tell her mom she was going to work there someday.
Downtown Fiesta de las Luces Brightens South El Paso Street with Music, Food Trucks...
The Downtown Management District (DMD) is hosting an event on South El Paso Street (Paisano to Fourth Avenue), the historic gateway to our city. The DowntownFiesta de Las Luces will be held one weekend (Saturday and Sunday) a month from July to September of 2021.
TWC initiative funds training for local industry
Even at the onset of a global pandemic in 2020, South Texas College was one of the first institutions to begin showing the workforce and its employers how to adapt, according to Texas Workforce Commissioner Julian Alvarez.
Joint Chamber Mixer
Neither Rain, Hail, Sleet or Snow will prevent the RGV Hispanic Chamber or the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce from hosting their Joint Membership Mixer on Thursday, July 15th at the Walk On Bistro on Trenton Rd. in Edinburg. The Joint Mixer is scheduled from 5:00pm to 7pm. Members to both chambers will gather to exchange business cards, network, enjoy delicious appetizers and quench their thirst with refreshing beverages.
Trump Announced Class Action Lawsuit Against Big Tech Giants
Former President Donald Trump announced class action lawsuits Wednesday against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai
The Case for Coming Back:
Texas Border Business      Hoboken, NJ — For a while it looked like remote work was here to stay. But with COVID...
STC trains with grant funds from TWC
Texas Workforce Commissioner Julian Alvarez presents South Texas College with a Skills Development Fund check in the amount of $287,500 at a special ceremony July 6, 2021.
Mission Chamber Makes $5k Donation to Mission CISD
Brenda Enriquez couldn't be happier in celebrating a check presentation that benefits the Mission Consolidated Independent School District.
Greater McAllen Association of REALTORS Granted Motion to Dismiss in Lawsuit by Tim Wilkins
The Greater McAllen Association of REALTORS® today announces its successful request to Judge Sergio Valdez to Dismiss claims made by Timothy Wilkins in his lawsuit against them
Governor Abbott Hosts 45th President Donald J. Trump For Border Security Briefing, Border Wall...
Governor Greg Abbott today hosted 45th President Donald J. Trump for a border security briefing with state officials and law enforcement in Weslaco.