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Monday, March 3, 2025
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Annual ‘For Men Only’ deli lunch Great place to network and see your friends

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Lunch only $12

Thursday, February 22

11:30 am – 1:00 pm

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Temple Emanuel Social Hall

4300 North Chai Street

Choice of delicious deli sandwich corned beef, salami or turkey homemade potato salad, coleslaw & yummy brownie.

Over 30 years ago, the Temple Emanuel Sisterhood decided it was time to add a kosher-style kick to the local lunch scene. So, they special ordered some deli meats and New York rye and invited all the men in the community to enjoy a delicious meal in return for a small donation. From that day on, the ‘For Men Only’ deli lunch at Temple Emanuel became a much-anticipated McAllen tradition.

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Volunteers prepare for the event, making hundreds of pounds of delicious cole slaw and potato salad, slicing hundreds of garlicky kosher pickles, and baking over a thousand fudge brownies to seal the meal.

On Thursday, February 22, over 2200 people will be served heaping sandwiches with all the trimmings. “People look forward to this event every year,” says event chair Pat Blum. I think the community has really come to appreciate this once-a-year opportunity. After all, who can resist a real deli sandwich with all the trimmings?”

Each year a sea of hungry men sit in the Social Hall to enjoy the sumptuous meal and catch up on local gossip. But why only men? “The idea was to hold a fund-raising event that men would actually enjoy,” says Blum. “They network, they schmooze, and they get great food!”

While only men are invited to eat in, everyone is invited to take out. According to Blum, “The take-out business for the deli lunch gets better every year. In fact, take-out orders now comprise about 85% of all lunches served at the event.” “It’s a great option for professional offices,” says Blum, “They buy a pool of tickets and send someone to pick up for the entire office.”

Tickets may be purchased from any Sisterhood member or in the Temple Emanuel office.

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