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We are mourning with George Floyd’s family, not only because he was one of our own, as a former student of Texas A&M University-Kingsville, but also because his death is truly a national tragedy.
It is important we all re-double our efforts to treat everyone, regardless of color, with respect and inclusion in every facet of American life, including our university system.
We at The Texas A&M University System are committed to this premise: We are all God’s children and deserving of the same respect and protections that should be afforded every American. – Chancellor John Sharp

TAMIU President Dr. Pablo Arenaz concurred in his message to the University community:
Like all, we are saddened by the tragic passing of George Floyd in Minnesota last week. His passing has laid bare fundamental and lasting flaws in our very understanding of what it means to be an American and, more so…what it means to be human.
As providers of higher education, we have a duty and a responsibility to do all we can to create and sustain a welcoming and diverse community.
As that community of students, faculty, staff, and alumni, we must continue to reaffirm our shared commitment to a campus that promotes, respects, and – most importantly, values diversity everywhere.
In these troubling times, let our TAMIU community affirm that:
- We stand together against discrimination, injustice, racism, and violence.
- Everyone must feel both respected and safe.
- Diversity is critical for all organizations.
- Ensuring diversity requires a commitment to ongoing change.
I encourage our TAMIU community to continue to come together to advocate for all. Let us be united as we work to ensure that this campus values all… and is worthy of all. – Dr. Pablo Arenaz, President
Statement from The Texas A&M University System’s Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Texas A&M System condemns all racist behaviors, actions, and comments that tear at the moral fabric of our nation. The System is appalled at the deplorable and egregious acts of brutality by some police officers against African Americans. As the nation grieves, the A&M System is also experiencing sorrow and has devoted its platform to stand up against unjust racial disparities.
Based on diversity as a core value of our system, we denounce all forms of violence perpetrated against African Americans. The death of George Floyd, and many others, at the hand of police officers is a despicable and unacceptable outcome. Suffice it to say: IT MUST STOP. All forms of racism, from bias and micro-aggressions to racialized violence, create an undue weight on our faculty, staff, students of color, and administration. As such, there is a direct need to continue to educate and act on our values of inclusion and equity.
The Texas A&M System shall take all necessary steps to ensure that its employees and students are committed to the tenets of human respect and decency. To make a positive impact, we will make a unified commitment to translate our ideals into action for sustainable and proactive change. Equally as important, The Texas A&M System shall remain committed to providing an inclusive environment where all its members can thrive safely.
The A&M System believes all universities under the auspices of the Texas A&M banner shall speak out against systemic and institutional racism at all levels. Likewise, we urgently call on all Texans and the nation to resist hateful and racist actions and refuse to drink from the bitter cup of divisiveness.
Dr. LaVelle Hendricks, Chair, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Angela Allen, West Texas A&M University
Dr. Carol Bunch Davis, Texas A&M University-Galveston
Larry Davis, Texas A&M University-Central Texas
Dr. Toney Favors, Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Dr. Manuel Flores, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Elma De Luna-González, Prairie View A&M University
Tim Gritten, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Dr. Peter Haruna, Texas A&M International University
Tiburcio Lince, Tarleton State University
Dr. Sherdeana Owens, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Dr. Christine Stanley, Texas A&M University
Dr. Julia Ballenger, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Dr. Joyce Miller, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Dr. Minita Ramírez, Texas A&M International University
Carl Greig, Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Dr. Corinne Valadez, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Dr. Jennifer Schroeder, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Dr. Brenda Moore, Texas A&M University-Commerce