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Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Home Authors Posts by Roberto H. Gonzalez

Roberto H. Gonzalez

Roberto H. Gonzalez
Publisher at Texas Border Business and Mega Doctor News. Roberto Hugo Gonzalez is the 2009 SBA Journalist of the Year Award Winner & The 2009 and 2012 Paul Harris Award recipient.

Fortin de las Flores Veracruz, the New Mission-Sister City

It is a tradition, for the City of Mission to strengthen the relationship with our brothers in Mexico. They have added the City of Fortin de las Flores from the State of Veracruz as the 26th Sister City.

Publisher’s Word: Remarkable Woman in High Ranking Position

First of all, I hope that you and your family are well and safe as you read this Texas Border Business issue.

The way to become an Angel on Earth

The Suarez’ Brothers, they have operated Koko’s Mexican Café for thirty years. During that time, they forged friendship with other restaurant owners and together are giving back to the community.

Natasha Del Barrio, an Exceptional Woman CEO in Auto Retail

This year, Natasha Del Barrio, was interviewed by Jim Fitzpatrick, host of CBT, the automotive television network in the U.S. Natasha is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Bert Ogden and Fiesta Auto Group in the Rio Grande Valley.

Publisher’s Word: Protecting Our Texas/Mexico Border

Nowadays it takes a lot of law enforcement personnel and equipment to keep our border safe. It is a daily challenge; however, it is always faced by those in charge of this difficult and dangerous job.

“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin

“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin
Victor Escalon Jr., Regional Director for the Department of Public Safety South Texas Region

Making the U.S./Mexico Border Safe Is Not a Piece of Cake

Victor Escalon Jr. is now the Regional Director for the Department of Public Safety South Texas Region. He serves a district that spans a vast territory from Brownsville, Corpus Christi, and Del Rio, Texas.

Publisher’s Word: The Labor of Preserving History is Worth Gold

I said that it is worth in gold, because of the opportunity that future generations will have to learn from and enjoy the rich history that the McAllen Heritage Center exhibits.

“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.” –...

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it," – Leo Tolstoy
Front row from L - R: Seby Haddad (CC), Javier Villalobos (CC), Joaquin JJ Zamora (CC), Elva M. Cerda (MD), Mayor Jim Darling, Veronica Vela Whitacre (CC), Tania Ramirez (CC), Omar Quintanilla (CC) Mike Hovar (MB). Back row from L - R: Joe Vera, (ACM), Spud Brown (MB), Roy Rodriguez (CM), Michelle Rivera (ACM), Yoli Cantu (artist), Piedad Martinez (MB), Olga Gabriel (MB), Nedra Kinerk (MB), Mike Hernandez (Parks Director), Danny Boultinghouse (architect), John M. Kreidler (MB Pres) CC - City Commissioner | CM - City Manager | MD - Museum Director | ACM - Asst City Manager | MB - Museum Board member. Photos by Roberto H. Gonzalez

“If We Do Not Know Who We Were, We Don’t Know Who We Are.”...

McAllen Heritage Center has gone through vital and significant renovations to preserve McAllen's heritage. Elva Cerda, the Managing Director of the McAllen Heritage Center and a founding board member since 2006, has a lot to say about this project that preserves McAllen's heritage.